👋 Hi! and Welcome!

I have pivoted, pirouetted and somersaulted as I pounce from interest to interest, from simple desire to all-encompassing yearn. The only constant being that I want to write, and now that I want to be read.

I don’t want to write about writing, unless it’s about how my writing makes me feel, or about how I hope it makes you feel. But not sure I could do that as I would not want the words I whisper into your ear to cannibalize the words that might have come out of your mouth.

The Catalyst

On February 10th 2022 my very best friend and closest confidant, Ivan Pandev, died. We often talked about that time, much later in life, when we would be curmudgeons together. He was a damn good, but unknown, musician. I always wanted to write. I dabbled, but let life and fear get in the way. I will be dealing with his loss for years to come. He was always trying to get me to write. Now, I write.

And I would chuffed as all hell if you stuck around and read for a bit.

About this publication

The latest pivot is the dark cloud, the stain that I need to wipe away, or make permanent. The outcome is not important. I need to complete this story, this novel that is living rent-free in my head and refuses to leave. This is Mandolin Dreams, a fictional playground for Ivan and I to still have some time together.

I would like to create a podcast for Mandolin Dreams, where you can listen to the chapters and maybe more. It’s still but a seed that needs soil.

Keep on Thinking Free.

About Me

Really short version

I am a writer, web developer, educator and all around ordinary person. I grew up in and around Montreal, mostly staying out of trouble. Mostly. It’s easier to keep my nose clean now that Ivan is gone. Sadly.

I’ve been putting more time into writing as I see that there is less time ahead than has been wasted behind.

Why subscribe?

Know exactly when I publish something new, and get to read it directly in your email client. Wow. Technology is so cool!

You will also be auto-subscribed to my new serial novel, Mandolin Dreams that kicks off in June 2024 and is expected to run through to the end of the year.

Subscribe to Scott Anthony

Where the curious and the creative come together to discover the meaning of complex concepts.